Participation Information!

The Fun Center Chordsmen want men of all ages to become more than just a person who watches and listens to us perform in north central Ohio.      

There are several ways to become associated with the Fun Center Chordsmen barbershop chorus. The first is to come for a visit and experience the thrill of singing four part acapplla harmony in the barbershop style without obligation or commitment. Four levels of chorus involvement await you.

Level One participation allows anyone to visit our Monday night Chapter meeting and chorus rehearsal. Activities include vocal production work, new song introduction and rehearsal, active repertoire performances, quartet activities, and all other fun Monday night activities without committment of membership.  

Level Two participation is becoming a member of the chapter. After Level One participation for at least three weeks and some voice evaluation to help you understand your best voice part (Tenor, Melody, Bass, or Baritone), you may submit an application to join the chapter and the Barbershop Harmony Society.

Level Three is becoming a performing chorus member by being able to sing your own part, learning the repertoire, choreography and getting the okay of the section leader.  (Note: level three can be obtained in steps) 
Level Four is becoming a contest chorus member by being able to sing your own part on both of the contest songs.  Random audits occur by the section leaders from time to time.
Level  Five is becoming a quartet member. Usually this will happen after a member has a chance to learn about the artform and is capable of singing his part by himself. All members have opportunities to sing in quartet situations throughout the year.